My Car

I bought my Saturn in 1997, right after I graduated from college. I had no money and no job, so I got the cheapest version they offered and only splurged on a tape deck. It was a great car - no problems, low gas mileage, and the service folks were great. I never had to worry about my car, and only had 2 more payments before it was completely mine.

That all changed on 10/13/01. I came home from dinner and found a note from the police on our door. After figuring out that the police code meant "non-injury accident" we ran out to check our cars. Raj's were fine. My little Saturn had been pushed forward 15 feet and had a large hole in the side of it, a flat tire, a broken tail light, and other large scratches on its side and bumper. It was shoved up against the curb and all of its tires were tilted at an odd angle. When I opened the trunk to remove my stuff, I notice that the trunk liner no longer lay flat. We found out from the neighbors that the guy who hit my car tried to drive away, and when his car wouldn't move he tried to run. He was stopped and arrested. He also had no insurance or green card - I'm still waiting to see a copy of the police report. My car was towed to a shop the next day and I got a rental car. A week and a half later, my insurance company decided to total my car.


I had to buy a new car, but I only had a couple days to do it. Luckily a got a nice check from my insurance company so I could afford a good down payment. I looked at buying an old Mini (they're so cute!) but the only one I could find was too expensive and didn't run so well. I knew I could buy another Saturn (I'd been really happy with mine), but Raj suggested we check out some other cars and some used lots. I figured I'd humor him because I didn't really want another Saturn (I wanted something more interesting, that didn't look like every other car out there). We ended up looking at the VW lot, where they had a 97 BMW Z3 and they were willing to offer me a price I could afford on it (yes, there's more to the story then that - we were harrased by salesmen at other dealerships, there was haggling involved, which I hate, and a trip to the BMW dealership for more haggling which I hate even more, but you don't want to hear about it).

So I've ended up with a car I absolutely love. It's incredibly attractice, it can go really fast, and it doesn't look like every other car I pass on my way to and from work. Gotta love a happy ending. :)

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