Palm Cookies (Elephant Ears)

Puff Pastry Dough

1. Roll puff pastry dough out with a rolling pin on a lightly floured board into a rectangle about 1/8 inch thick. Sprinkle the dough heavily with sugar.
2. Fold the long edges of the dough lengthwise to the center. Fold the folded edges lengthwise to meet in the center. Flatten slightly with a rolling pin, the close the halves together as if shutting a book; you will have a long roll.
3. Slice the roll into cookies 1/8 inch thick. Arrange each cookie on a heavily sugared baking sheet.
4. Chill for 30 minutes.
5. Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Bake for about 6 minutes, removing when the sugar has begun to melt and caramelize; turn cookies over and bake another few minutes, taking care that they do not burn.
6. Remove and cool. Palm cookies will keep in an airtight container for about 3 days. They also freeze well.