from Meg

1 pound Filo dough (in the frozen section of the grocery store)
3/4 pound melted sweet butter
2 1/2 -3 cups chopped nuts (walnuts or almonds or my SECRET ingredient; pistachios!)
2 TBSP sugar
2 tsp cinnamon

2 Cups sugar
1 Cup water
1 Cinnamon stick (or a few shakes of cinnamon)
Juice from one lemon slice
1/2 Cup honey

Combine sugar, water, cinnamon & lemon juice over medium heat. Bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Add honey and return to boiling. Remove from heat and skim foam. Hint: do not turn your back on the syrup when it is boiling! If it boils over, it is AWFUL to clean :-)

Combine nuts, sugar and cinnamon and set aside.

Butter 9X13 baking dish. Place sheet of filo and brush with melted butter, repeat process for 8 sheets, buttering each. Sprinkle 1/4 Cup of nut mixture, cover with 2 more sheets of filo buttering each. Continu sprinkling nuts every 2 sheets until nut mixture is finished. Top with 8 more sheets of buttered filo. Pour remaining butter over the top and ut 5 strips lengthwise. Bake at 350 degrees for 50-60 minutes, remove from oven and pour cooled syrup over baked baclava.

Baclava can be stored in the fridge, and is often better cooled.